Route setting contests
In addition to regular bouldering contests, also offers the possibility to host a route setting contest in which boulders can be judged by participants and the boulder list can be sorted by the boulders' ratings.
A contest can be both a bouldering contest and a route setting contest at the same time. To enable boulder rating, check the respective checkbox on the event's admin page.
Boulders can be given 1 to 5 stars. The view will be available between the contest's start and end date, just like the ticklist ins regular events.
A boulder's overall rating will be the arithmetic mean of all the ratings it received. The ranking column will be shown for the public as soon as the contest's end date is reached. As a member of the gym staff, you can view the average ratings even when the event is still in progress. When the event ended, an additional column with the setter names will be shown as well. So be sure to add the names during import or through the boulder admin.